Our Fast-Weigh Loader app allows you to send truck capacities and check-in times over the cloud, ensuring that your loader operator is knowledgeable ahead of time about every truck in the plant.
Use our Truck Assignment feature to provide loaders with the correct order and product information the moment a truck is marked in-yard.
Track loader efficiency and the amount of time trucks spend in-yard from a user-friendly web interface you can access from anywhere, on any device.
Use Load-Out History to find detailed truck and loader data, which can then be exported to Excel for further analysis.
Our Fast-Weigh Loader app allows you to send truck capacities and check-in times over the cloud, ensuring that your loader operator is knowledgeable ahead of time about every truck in the plant.
Use our Truck Assignment feature to provide loaders with the correct order and product information the moment a truck is marked in-yard.
Track loader efficiency and the amount of time trucks spend in-yard from a user-friendly web interface you can access from anywhere, on any device.
Use Load-Out History to find detailed truck and loader data, which can then be exported to Excel for further analysis.